
getAndUpdateEarnedBountyAmount getAndUpdateEarnedBountyAmount(uint256 validatorId) → uint256 earned, uint256 endMonth external

Return and update the amount of earned bounty from a validator.

withdrawBounty withdrawBounty(uint256 validatorId, address to) external

Allows msg.sender to withdraw earned bounty. Bounties are locked until launchTimestamp and BOUNTY_LOCKUP_MONTHS have both passed.

Emits a WithdrawBounty event.


  • Bounty must be unlocked.

withdrawFee withdrawFee(address to) external

Allows msg.sender to withdraw earned validator fees. Fees are locked until launchTimestamp and BOUNTY_LOCKUP_MONTHS both have passed.

Emits a WithdrawFee event.


  • Fee must be unlocked.

tokensReceived tokensReceived(address, address, address to, uint256 amount, bytes userData, bytes) external

getEarnedFeeAmount getEarnedFeeAmount() → uint256 earned, uint256 endMonth external

Return the amount of earned validator fees of msg.sender.

initialize initialize(address contractsAddress) public

getAndUpdateEarnedBountyAmountOf getAndUpdateEarnedBountyAmountOf(address wallet, uint256 validatorId) → uint256 earned, uint256 endMonth public

Return and update the amount of earned bounties.

getEarnedFeeAmountOf getEarnedFeeAmountOf(uint256 validatorId) → uint256 earned, uint256 endMonth public

Return the amount of earned fees by validator ID.

WithdrawBounty WithdrawBounty(address holder, uint256 validatorId, address destination, uint256 amount) event

Emitted when bounty is withdrawn.

WithdrawFee WithdrawFee(uint256 validatorId, address destination, uint256 amount) event

Emitted when a validator fee is withdrawn.

BountyWasPaid BountyWasPaid(uint256 validatorId, uint256 amount) event

Emitted when bounty is distributed.